martes, 21 de abril de 2015


1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
·         Differentiate different types of houses.
·         Learn that people in different countries live in different types of houses.
·         Identify the elements of a house.
·         Identify furniture in bedroom and bathroom.
·         Identify furniture in kitchen and living room.
·         Introduce writing.
·         Identify different parts of the house.
·         Understand the general and specific meaning of the story.
·         Show their own houses to their classmates.
·         Review all the contents learnt

2. Subject Content
·         Types of houses.
·         Elements and parts of a house
·         Furniture in bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room.

3. Language Content / Communication

·         Revision: weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy), days , months, numbers.
·         New voc.  Types of houses (flat, house, hut, igloo), Where do you live? I live in a …
·          Parts of a house: floor, garden, kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom, door, roof, window, balcony, stairs, lift, blinds
·         High Frequency Words:I, this, my,  in, the,is
·         Kitchen, pan cooker, fridge, living room, sofa, TV, armchair, lamp, cupboard, table, chair, plant, phone, bedroom, bed, wardrobe,, bathroom, soap, towel, toothpaste, towel, shower, toilet.


·         This is a house/flat
·         I live in a house/flat
·         I live at number ____
·         I live on the ___ floor
·         I sleep in the bedroom, I eat in the kitchen, I watch TV in the living room, I wash my hands and face in the bathroom, I play in the garden.
·         The… is in the…
·         What’s this?  This is the kitchen
·         I live at X, XX street.
·         This is my living room. I watch TV in my living room ( same with the rest of the rooms)

Discourse type
Ask the children if any of them live in the same building or in the same street.
                               What’s the name of their street?
                               Tell them that all streets and roads have a name. All houses and buildings have a number.
                               Encourage them to say if they live in a house or flat: I live in a house/flat
                               And where they live: I live at number (10) (whatever) street

I live at number (10) (whatever) street
                               I live on the ________floor.

Language skills
“ This is a house/flat
I live in a house/flat
I live at number ____
I live on the ___ floor”
READING: children read sentences and vocabulary words
WRITING: complete activities:
“ I live on the…floor”
LISTENING: listen and try to understand information from CDs and interactive board.

4. Contextual (cultural) element
Cultural contents
This unit includes lessons dedicated to cultural aspects of English-speaking countries, with photos, rhymes, traditional songs
They help to develop social and civic competences and interaction with the physical world
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
In this stage, children increase their use of language and other symbols, their imitation of adult behaviors, and their play. Young children develop a fascination with word. Children also play games of make‐believe: using an empty box as a car, playing family with siblings, and nurturing imaginary friendships…
Children at this stage make use of magical thinking based on their own sensory and perceptual abilities and are easily misled. Children engage in magical thinking, for instance, while speaking with their parents on the telephone and then asking for a gift, expecting it to arrive via the telephone.
They are limited by egocentrism—the inability to distinguish between their own point of view and the point of view of others.They overcome this early form of egocentrism when learning that others have differing views, feelings, and desires
Children have not mastered classification, or serial ordering,or the ability to group according to logical progression, these abilities are not fully realized until later.
Young children cannot comprehend conservation, or the concept that physical properties remain constant even as appearance and form change. They have trouble understanding that the same amount of liquid poured into .concrete operations.

6. (a) Task(s)
·         Games
·         Projects
·         Dialogues
·         Writing and coloring
·         Reading exercises
·         Listenings

6. (b) Activities

* Song “Hello…”
* Greetings
* Counting boys/ girls/ children
* Days of the week: Place the days of the week word cards in order in a line along the board and sing the Days of the week song.
* The weather: Point to the window and ask.
Vocabulary Presentation:
* Flashcards: Introduce different types of houses.

* The teacher asks the students about where they live using the structure Where do you live? I live in a …

Power Point: Different countries and cultures.

* The teacher gives each student a mini flashcard (flat, house, hut or igloo) and that’s “where they live”. Then, students complete their worksheets by asking five classmates about where they live. They have to draw green happy faces or red sad faces which mean “yes” or “no”.

* Comment on the results with the students.


Vocabulary REVIEW:
* The teacher asks students about where they live. (Where do you live? I live in a …)
* The teacher shows students the empty house and introduces the new vocabulary with the flashcards. Then, the teacher sticks the different rooms in the house.

Knock on the door”, New Galaxy 2

* Students play the game by making actions. E.g. Simon says…sleep in the bedroom.
* Students have to colour the actions that they do at home.
* True or False: The teacher says a sentence e.g. ‘ I sleep in the kitchen’. If it is true, the students stand up; if it isn’t true, the students don’t move.


* SONG: “Knock on the door

* The teacher presents the new vocabulary, introduces the structure The….. is in…..and sticks the images in the house (A3 paper).

Once you have introduced all the new vocabulary, ask the children where each item is and encourage them to tell you in a sentence: T: Where’s the bed? Ss: The bed is in the bedroom etc.

* Match objects and rooms.

* Look and praise children’s  work.

Personalization: Ask the children about their own home. Where’s t he lamp / bed / shower in your house? etc


* SONG: “Knock on the door

* The teacher shows the word cards, reads them with the students, uses the structure “The… is in…. ,  and ask a student out to stick the words on the correct room.

* Stick the word cards with the correct picture.

* Trace, cut and label words according to the pictures.

* Look and praise children’s  work.
* Hangman


-Song  “Knock on the door


-Introduce the literacy flowers and read them aloud, making emphasis when we use the structures and the high frequency words: the,  is,   in.

-Introduce the vocabulary of Kitchen using flashcards: pan, cooker and fridge.
·         Show the kitchen flashcard “ What’s this?  This is the kitchen” and stick it in the blackboard. Encourage the children to repeat after you . then show the pan flashcard, “What’s this? This is a pan. The pan is in the kitchen” and stick it under the kitchen flashcard. Encourage the children to repeat after you.  Do the same with the other flashcards.

·         Introduce the vocabulary of living room using flashcards: sofa, TV, table, chair, plant and phone, using the same structures.

·         Play a game with the flashcards, cover them one by one and tell the children to guess it.
·         Mix the flashcards of the two rooms and ask children to help you in order to put the flashcards in the correct room/part of the house.

·         Worksheet: Match the pictures.

·         Look and prise children’s work.



Vocabulary Presentation:
Introduce the key vocabulary and once they are familiar with it,  initiate the Power Point presentation with the story “The old house”. Use flashcards and pictures on the blackboard.
While we show the presentation we have to read this script giving more details and focusing on some basic  aspects of the story.

Ask children questions such as:
What can you do in the living room?
Where is the cooker?
What is in the Kitchen?
What is in the fridge?


Vocabulary Presentation:
Flashcards: Introduce different rooms in a house.

The teacher asks the students about where they live, using the structure:
·       Where do you live? I live in a …
They recognise the parts of their houses, using the structure:
·       This is my bedroom…….

Using the photos children have brought us of their houses , we print them and make a big mural on the wall called MY HOUSE. In this mural we will have one house ready for each pupil in the classroom. We label each one with their names e.g. Pedro´s house, Natalia´s  flat, etc. For those pupils that do not bring photos we prepare some pictures to complete their houses. They present their houses to the rest of the classroom, using I live in a house/flat. This is my living room, this is my bathroom, etc.
They label all the room using sentences from worksheet


Use the house elements flashcards (fridge, lamp, pan,…) .
Stick a big house on the blackboard and place the elements of the house in the wrong place (e.g. the fridge in the bathroom or the bed in the kitchen)
Encourage them to tell the right place.
7. Methodology

The teaching methodology is the set of strategies , procedures and actions organized and planned by the teachervin order to facilitate student learning and achievement of the objectives manner. The methodological approach applied seeks to develop habits of individual and team work and effort as well as attitudes of self-confidence , critical sense , personal initiative, curiosity , creativity and interest in learning and entrepreneurship. It has the following characteristics

·       It is based on an active and participatory approach. Children learn through the making tasks of diverse nature , which makes learning much more significant .the Students must participate actively, what increases the capacity to learn for themselves . T

·              It promotes meaningful learning. The starting point of student learning is their previous knowledge, enhancing their personal growth, development and socialization. For learning to contribute to the development of students is essential that links between pre- and learning new through activities and tasks are established with a clear objective that suits your needs and interests and to ensure the functionality and usability of the new learning.

·              Promotes a comprehensive development of intellectual abilities in students, involving them effectively in their own learning process, constantly stimulating their curiosity and encouraging them to learn through practical tasks.

·              It is motivating. Student motivation is achieved naturally to enable them to participate actively in their own learning process, taking into account their prior knowledge, stimulate critical thinking and immediately show the usefulness of learning. The diversity of materials and resources and the importance of new technologies in this project will also contribute directly to maintaining motivation in students.

·              It is aimed at achieving the objectives and the development of basic skills. The learning competence aims to develop the potential of each student and their capabilities and prepare for it to meet personal challenges throughout his life successfully. Students should not only acquire knowledge, but must be able to access them and apply them in different contexts of their lives.
·              Promotes teamwork. Group activities are present in all units and promote oral communication and collaborative learning. It affects the development of attitudes of dialogue and conflict resolution and in the use of skills and social conventions to facilitate good communication and good living of the group.

·              Promotes identification of questions or problems, formulating hypotheses and conclusions based on evidence obtained through the scientific method. In order to understand and make decisions about the physical world and the changes that human activity has on the environment, health and quality of life of people.

·              Raises the implementation of projects. Promotes globalization work for projects in which students work both individually and as a team and collect information relying on images and texts, later to collect by means other than the experience made.

·                Takes into account the different abilities that come into play in learning. Working with emphasis attention, concentration, memory, comprehension, linguistic expression and achievement motivation among others, as well as audiovisual communication and information technologies and communication.

·                Presents cross members subject to a specific treatment in other areas, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, audiovisual communication, information technology and communication.

·                Attend to diversity. Taking into account the different rhythms and learning styles of students and their levels of maturity development. Children learn in different ways and at different rates; for this reason, we use flexibility so that all group members can take part and find activities that can apply knowledge and skills, facilitating the development of self-awareness of the achievements and progress manage day to day.

Organization and class distribution / timing

We list in the morning and do the routine, every day there is a responsible that helps the teacher, this activity takes place in big group and also explanations of the activities that will make the introduction of new contents ... thus seeks to involve all students.

The class is divided into working groups to facilitate communication and collaboration among students.

At the end of the class have tables with different games.

We left two spaces at the back wall to hang our murals, displays...

We have a library area where we have books, stories, magazines, reading books, notebooks and workbooks.

We booked a small space under the board to put recycling bins.

Our panel of responsibility is placed on the door of the cupboard and those responsible for the different tasks are rotated weekly.

We responsible for:
Raise the blinds in the morning.
·    List and make the routine
• Order the classroom.
• Sharef books and notebooks.
• Responsible to empty the bins in recycling containers school.

Above the green chalkboard we have the calendar. Days of the week, months of the year and seasons.

In class we have two boards; traditional and digital , both areused daily in the explanations of topics with interactive exercises.

We also have classroom rules that we  are working sticked below the board so that  all children can see them

Resources / Materials

- Flashcards (flat, house, hut, igloo).
- Mini flashcards (flat, house, hut, igloo).
- Power Point (different countries and culture).
- High Frequency Words: I, in, a
- Worksheets: survey using the structures Where do you live? I live in a
- Pencils and crayons (green and blue).


- House without rooms on A3 paper.
- Flashcards (bedroom, kitchen, living-room, bathroom, garden).
- High Frequency Words: in, the.
- Worksheets: Colour the actions that you do at home.
- Crayons.

- Flashcards (bed, lamp, wardrobe, shower, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, soap).
- High Frequency Words: the, is, in.
- Worksheets: Match objects and rooms.
- Pencils.

-Word cards (bedroom, bathroom, bed, lamp, wardrobe, shower, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, soap).
- Picture cards (bedroom, bathroom, bed, lamp, wardrobe, shower, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, soap).
- Worksheets:  Trace, cut and label words according to the pictures.   
- Pencils, scissors and glue.

-High frequency words flowers
-Pencil, crayons, scissors and glue.

- Flashcards.
- Power Point : The old house.
- High Frequency Words: Is, in, the
- Worksheets: The old house worksheet.
- Pencils, scissors and glue

- Flashcards (flat, house, hut, igloo).
- Mini flashcards (flat, house, hut, igloo).
- High Frequency Words: I, this, is my, in, a.
- Worksheet  Mural: Complete the sentences to label their houses.
- Pencil, scissors and glue
Key Competences
C1: Competency  in  linguistic  communication
    All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
Ex. Sing the song “ Knock at the door”
Ex. Listen to the story” The old House·
C2: Competency  in  mathematics: count boys and girls during the routine, number the rooms or parts of a house..
C3: Competency  in  knowledge  of  and interaction with the  physical  world
The whole unit is devoted to talk about the house, its parts, rooms, types of houses...
C4: Competency  in  new  technologies
Interactive board activities

C5: Competency in social awareness and citizenship
Moral an Civic Education: Understand the importance of having a house where we can live.

C6: Competency  in  artistic  and  cultural  awareness
         Draw a house and its parts
         Learn to write sentences about the house
         Draw different rooms in a house
         Colour pictures related with the house.
C7: Competency  in  learning  to  learn
Self-evaluation so as to revise the contents learnt in the unit

C8: Competency  in  autonomous  learning  and  personal  initiative
Showing initiative and autonomy in different activities: singing songs, work in pairs, worksheets presentation to the class…

Linguistic communication
All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially:
§          The Listen and point, Listen and say, Listen and repeat sections to reference the functional language in the unit.

-          Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences via the course using the internet resources
-          Use the course interactive material.

Social and Civic Competence
§          This competence is developed by working on essential  communication skills like:
-          Dialogues and communicative exchanges .
-          The section Mrs Drew’s Values (CB p. 63), which stresses civic values   (the importance of  learning to be patient and waiting in queues).
-          Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of coexistence, both in pairs and in groups. (communicative pair work games: CB p. 58 and cut-out, CB p. 59 and AB p. 109).
-          Exhibit one’s own work and listen to that of others, putting oneself in their place. (Tell your friend, CB p. 61), Project Work, Unit 6 (Extension Lesson 6a, TB p. 97).

Artistic and cultural competence
§          Sing and act out Songs from the unit (In the middle of the forest, CB p. 55; In the giant’s house, CB p. 59). Recite traditional rhymes (CB p. 63).
§          Make the cut-outs (CB p. 59 and AB p. 109) and the stickers from unit 6 (AB p. 54).
§          Read and act out a short story  (CB pp. 56, 57).
§          Read and understand a  short story  to revise and reinforce units 4 to 6, (Mozart’s music, CB pp. 100, 101, AB pp. 96, 97).
§          Make a mini book (TR CD-ROM Unit 6, worksheets 1 and 2, TB p. 93).
§          Learn contents of other subjects via the target language. Geography: how to read maps (Geography: Maps) (CB pp. 60, 61, AB p. 59).
§          Draw a picture of the life cycles of a fruit tree (CB p. 60).
§          Perform an intercurricular project : create a map (TB p. 97, Extension Lesson 6a).
§          Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world; learning about  a British day out (Cultural themes: A great day out!) (CB p. 62, AB p. 61).

§          Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder (Picture dictionary) after the sticker activity (stickers) in Lesson  1 (AB p. 54).
§          Use the reference material   .
§          Reflect, make choices and express preferences (Book Club, AB p. 55).
§          Learn  a interpretar un mapa (CB p. 60, AB p. 59).
§          Learn to identify and categorise words with a similar sound (Mr Sonic’s Phonics, the sound / f /: phone, graph, CB p. 61, AB p. 60).
§          Manage one’s own self-assessment skills and personal effort in the sections of Unit 6 Review (CB p. 64 and AB p. 63).

Autonomy And Personal Initiative
§          Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (AB pp. 54-63).
§          Use the reference material recommended for the unit 6.
§          Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner and flexible whenever required by communicative activities in the unit: act out short stories (CB p. 56-57), dialogues, Games (communicative pair work games: CB p. 58 and cut-out, CB p. 59 and AB p. 109) and various activities.
§          Discover values and strategies to solve problems via the short story, and how to learn to cooperate and organise oneself (CB pp. 56, 57).
§          Personalise a creative activity related to the unit theme (CB, p. 60).
§          Perform creative projects (create symbols for a map and put them on a map of coordinates, Project Work, TB p. 97).
§          Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world
This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which  human life and activity develop  and the ability to interact within that space:
§          Learn contents of other subjects via the target language. Geography: how t olearn to read maps (Geography: Maps) (CB pp. 60, 61, AB p. 59).
§          Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. , learning similarities and differences between cultures(Cultural themes: A great day out!) (CB p. 62, AB p. 61, 62).

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